

I come from China. I grew up in Harbin. I came to Japan about 3 years ago. I am studying English in Tezukayama University, and working at a company. My job is translate Chinese to Japanese and translate Korean to Japanese. In the future, I want to be a translator. I want to translate 4 languages. In my free time, I chat with my friends who can speak English, and I study English in Livemocha on internet. If you want please click it.

4 件のコメント:

matahari さんのコメント...

Do you like hitam?

匿名 さんのコメント...

Nice pictures. Buildings look like Russia. Any penguins in Harbin??!

Nuriko さんのコメント...

You want to translate four languages. You are great! Do your best!

チビブログ さんのコメント...

Your blog is very pretty!!
Nice many pictures.


帝塚山大学 英語文化学科