
The secret tunnel

On Tuesday, I read “The secret tunnel”. This story is written by Bob Waring and Maurice Jamall, and the level is 7. This story is about the students are visiting Bayview Museum. They notice some strange things are happening. A picture is still wet and someone moved the statue and a diamond dropped from box. They want to know why so next day they visit the museum again. They found a suspicious door. Two students are look outside. Then other students walk in the tunnel. They find copy art in the tunnel. The bad men come when they want to go out and call the police. They are tied by bad men. The two students worry about them who go in the tunnel, so they go in the tunnel to see. They find their friends who are tied up by bad men. The two students rescue them out and call the police. Then the bad men are arrested by police. I like this story, because it is interesting, so I recommend it.

1 件のコメント:

メタボリックシンドロームTAKA さんのコメント...

Hi! I read your blog. This story is interested for me. I'll try read this story next week!


帝塚山大学 英語文化学科