
Chicken and Egg Domburi

I like to eat Chicken and Egg Domburi.
Do you know Chicken and Egg Domburi?

It’s Japanese food.

Chicken and Egg Domburi

First, you should prepare the following things.
100g Chicken breast
1/4 cup Dashi or chicken bouillon
4 table spoon Japanese dark soy sauce
2 table spoon Japanese light soy sauce
4 table spoon Mirin, sake or dry sherry
2 table spoon Sugar
6 Scallions; cut into thin-rings
2 Eggs
Then, cut the chicken breast into thin strips. Bring the stock to a boil. Add the soy sauces, mirin, sake or dry sherry, and sugar, Bring back to a boil. Add the chicken, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Stir in the scallions and leave stand for 1 minute. Lightly stir the eggs in a bowl just enough to break them up. Add the eggs tot the pan and leave to stand for a further 2 minutes. Carefull stir once. When finished, serve immediately while the food is hot.

9 件のコメント:

gokioki さんのコメント...

I like domburi^^

うまうま★ さんのコメント...

I like domburi too.
it's very delicious.

だんご さんのコメント...


コアラ さんのコメント...

I like domburi. I think cook it next.

メタボリックシンドロームTAKA さんのコメント...

I like this domburi. I want to eat oyakodonn!

Atsushi さんのコメント...

I like this.

matahari さんのコメント...

It looks delicious!
I want to eat!

a08018 さんのコメント...


OPEL さんのコメント...

This detail is very clear. I want to eat.


帝塚山大学 英語文化学科